Unlocking Design & Manufacturing Performance with Collaboration

#ManufacturingDataExcellenceStudy2024 #AutodeskDesignAndMake #CollaborativeEfficiencyinManufacturing

The manufacturing sector is undergoing a significant transformation, driven by the ever-increasing importance of data. Effective design, project management, and overall operational excellence are now heavily reliant on the ability to collect, analyze, and leverage data across the entire value chain. However, maximizing the potential of data requires a critical element: collaboration.

A recent study by Autodesk titled ‘Manufacturing Data Excellence Study 2024:Unlocking Design & Manufacturing Performance with Collaboration’ focuses on the crucial role of collaboration in unlocking the true power of data. The study explores the current state of data management in the design and manufacturing sector, focusing on the integration between design collaboration tools and project management systems, the maturity of design collaboration, and supplier collaboration methods. It also examines how companies manage CAD data, the challenges they face, and the organizational priorities and best practices for achieving data excellence. By fostering information sharing and a unified approach to data management between design teams, project managers, and other stakeholders, manufacturers can achieve significant improvements in product development, project efficiency and informed decision making.

To understand the state of data management practices across companies in India and the level of collaboration that exists along the value chain, Autodesk in association with Pro MFG Media, conducted a comprehensive survey. An online questionnaire was rolled out to gather insights from a broad range of manufacturing professionals across design, project management, and other relevant departments.

Manufacturing industry leaders associated with design and collaboration shared several key insights into the current data management practices within the manufacturing sector regarding design and collaboration:

● There is predominant use of AutoCAD (93.4%) and SolidWorks (42.1%), reflecting a blend of 2D and 3D design needs for project documentation, product development, and manufacturing processes.

● Across manufacturing organizations there is moderate level of integration between design collaboration tools and project management systems implying during information exchange, there may be some manual steps or occasional delays in syncing data.

● Most industry leaders report that they are at Level 2 maturity when it comes to collaboration on design with internal departments and external stakeholders. Level 2 maturity implies these organizations share files with non-authoring departments in view- only format.

● In the manufacturing industry, communication with suppliers predominantly relies on traditional methods such as email, phone calls, and video conferencing. While essential, these methods lack the transparency and efficiency of more integrated, technology- driven solutions.

● The most common practices for sharing CAD data include shared network drives and cloud storage with 56.6% and 46.1% respondents reporting the same, respectively.

● 48.7% respondents opine siloed data to be one of the main challenges in managing CAD data followed by 35.5% according to whom limited access controls is critical leading to hindrance in information flow and collaboration.

In the competitive, data-driven manufacturing landscape, achieving collaboration excellence is crucial for success. Manufacturers face challenges such as fragmented systems, varying collaboration capabilities, outdated communication methods, and inadequate data management. To overcome these, embracing integrated platforms that bridge design and project management tools is key. Providing tailored solutions for different collaboration maturity levels, promoting advanced Product life cycle Management (PLM) systems for comprehensive supplier engagement, providing unified cloud-based development platforms and developing cost- effective, user-friendly Product Data Management (PDM) systems for superior data management and seamless workflows are essential steps.

To read more, please download the complete report here.

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